Welcome to today’s devotional on understanding the nature of God. I pray that we come to a deeper understanding of God and how this understanding might mold and change our lives.

My aim for this devotional is to let us have a clearer understanding of the unchanging and steadfast character of our loving and faithful God. This is possible through the power of the Holy Spirit and the direction of the Word of God.

In order to be challenged and inspired by the truths that God has given us, let us come with open hearts and minds as we delve into today’s devotional.

» Wednesday, 15th February 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Understanding the Nature of God

Yesterday’s daily devotional was on “Love That Never Fails: The Spirit of Valentine’s Day” and today’s is “Understanding the Nature of God”.

Anchor verse of the day

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.

Isaiah 40:28 (NKJV)

Our anchor verse of the day (Isaiah 40:28) emphasizes God’s status as the universe’s Creator, who is eternal and all-knowing. It serves to remind believers of God’s grandeur and strength, and it is an inspiration to us, to place our trust in Him because we know that He will never let us down.

Themes found in Isaiah 40:28

  • The Sovereignty of God: It emphasizes God’s authority over everything, serving as a reminder that He is the universe’s supreme ruler and possessor of absolute knowledge.
  • The Endurance of God: It highlights the enduring and unchanging nature of our God, reminding us that He is always there for us no matter what the future holds.
  • The Compassion of God: It places a stamp on God’s compassion, reminding us that He is merciful and gracious and always willing to assist people in need.
  • The Providence of God: It emphasizes God’s providence, reminding us that He is in control at all times and that He is leading and guiding our lives for His purposes.
  • The Promise of God: It serves as a reminder that He is dependable and will consistently keep His word to His people.

Background to Isaiah 40:28

Our verse of the day is in a section of the book of Isaiah that is said to have been written during the Babylonian Exile, which followed the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon in 586 BCE.

It was composed to uplift the exiled Israelites and show them that God was still in control of their situation and had a plan for their future.

In it, the prophet Isaiah was addressing the Israelites in Isaiah 40:28 and reminded them of the greatness and power of God. Despite the challenging situations they were going through, he was urging them to have faith in God and recognize that He is in charge and will take care of them.

In addition to supporting the idea of God’s might and sovereignty, this verse also encouraged the people of Israel to put their faith in God’s promises even in the face of hardships and insurmountable problems.

Similar bible verses

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? 2 My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

This verse expresses the same confidence and trust in God as our help and support, much like Isaiah 40:28.

28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

In addition to inviting us to trust Him and follow Him, Jesus highlights the solace and rest we can find in Him.

Reflection on the understanding the Nature of God

Isaiah 40:28 serves as a great reminder of God’s character and how it ought to affect how Christians live their lives.

The first thing that this scripture teaches us is that God is everlasting, which simply implies that He is eternal and has neither a beginning nor an end.

Knowing that God is always there and is immortal, should comfort us in the face of whatever challenges we may be facing in life. He will always be present for us, since He is not bound by space or time.

Being the Creator of the universe is another crucial facet of God’s nature. This serves as a reminder that God is all-knowing and all-powerful.

He is in charge of everything and created everything. Knowing that He is in charge and that we can rely on Him to look after us, should offer us comfort.

The scripture also states that God is unwearied and untired. This demonstrates that He never gets tired or worn out. No matter how much we need or how many times we ask, He is always able to assist us. This serves as a potent reminder that no matter what we are facing, God is always willing and ready to assist us.

Finally, the passage states that “No one can fathom His understanding.” This implies that God’s comprehension is greater than ours. We can never know all about Him or comprehend Him in his entirety.

This should not deter us from wanting to learn more about Him nevertheless. Instead, it should spur us on to spend time in prayer and Bible study so that we can better comprehend who God is and what He wants for our life.

Prayer about understanding the Nature of God

Our Heavenly Father, we stand before you today, with hearts overflowing with love and thanks for everything you have done for us. We want to know more about your character, your true self, and the extent of your love for us.

From Isaiah 40:28, we learn that your strength and sovereignty surpass all understanding, and your wisdom too, surpasses all our knowledge, and your understanding is beyond our ability to comprehend. Simply because all things are in your hands since you are the Creator of everything.

Father, we pray that as we make an effort to get to know you better, your love and grace would become more clear to us. As we face the difficulties of life, kindly help us to have faith in your ability and to rely on your unfailing arms.

Today, we pray that you give us the discernment to put our trust in your plan for us and to give our lives to you. Show us how to wait upon you and adhere to your principles.

In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we make this request.
