Welcome to today’s devotional on prophetic voice. Today’s devotional is a reminder that God is a God of revelation. He does not keep secrets from His people but reveals His plans and purposes to them.
As believers, we have access to the prophetic voice of God, which speaks to us through His Holy Spirit.
In the stillness of each day, we find ourselves surrounded by the noise of the world, clamoring for our attention. Yet, amid the chaos, know that there is a prophetic voice.
Today, as we embark on this daily devotional journey, may our spirits be open to the whispers of God.
Key Takeaway to Prophetic Voice
- Prophetic Voice: God is a God of revelation who speaks to His people through His Word, through prayer, and the prophetic voice.
Anchor Bible Verse of the day: Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
In this verse of Amos 3:7, the prophet Amos reminds us that God does not act without revealing His plans to His prophets. God’s plans are not hidden from His people but are made known to them through His prophets.
This verse shows the importance of listening to the prophetic voice of God and seeking His guidance and direction in our lives.
Key Explanations
- Lord God: This phrase refers to God as the sovereign ruler of the universe.
- His servants the prophets: God’s chosen messengers, the prophets, play a pivotal role in conveying His messages to His people.
- Lord God does nothing: God’s actions are purposeful and intentional, never arbitrary.
- Reveals His secret: The divine revelation is not hidden but shared with those who seek it earnestly.
Reflection on Prophetic Voice
Many people, even believers become a bit incensed when prophesies start to fall from the mouths of some “so-called prophets”.
Well, they cannot be blamed for being apprehensive for many are the false prophets of our day. In an era where people give false prophesies for stardom and to make money, why won’t any sound-thinking person be wary?

(Amos 37)

(Amos 37)
That notwithstanding, there are genuine prophets on this planet, and as believers, we have access to the prophetic voice of God.
This means that we can hear from God and receive guidance and direction for our lives, either ourselves or through these genuine prophets called by God for that purpose.
We do this by praying, reading God’s Word, discernment, and listening to the prophetic voice of God – either by ourselves or by real prophets.
See, God’s plans and purposes for our lives are not hidden from us but are made known to us through His Holy Spirit. When we seek God’s guidance and direction, we can be assured that we are following His plan and purpose for our lives.
Let us take time today to listen to the prophetic voice of God and seek His guidance and direction for our lives. Let us trust Him to reveal His plans and purposes to us and to guide us through life.
Let us ask Him to reveal the hidden to us through real prophets who can tap into the divine and give us divine directions.
In Jeremiah 33:3 we read:
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.
In considering the “Prophetic Voice,” we are prompted to reflect on our receptivity to divine insights.
Just as God revealed His plans to the prophets, are we attuned to His voice in our lives?
Consider the relevance of 1 Corinthians 14:1:
Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.
In seeking love and spiritual gifts, may we actively pursue the prophetic, aligning ourselves with God’s revelations.
As we navigate the challenges of today, let us be vessels of God’s wisdom and love, embodying the prophetic voice in our interactions. In doing so, we participate in a divine narrative that transcends the ordinary.
Call to Action
Take time today to seek God’s guidance and direction for your life. Spend time in prayer, read God’s Word, and listen to the prophetic voice of God. Trust Him to reveal His plans and purposes to you and to guide you through life.
Prayer Points for Today
- Discernment: Pray for the ability to discern God’s voice amidst the noise of daily life.
- Open Hearts: Ask God to open your heart to receive prophetic insights.
- Courage to Act: Seek the courage to act upon the divine revelations you receive.
Let’s pray
Our Father, open our hearts to Your prophetic voice. In the stillness, speak to us, guide us, and reveal Your plans.
In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
My Prayer for You Today: I pray that you walk in the light of God’s revealed wisdom, embracing the transformative power of the prophetic voice in your life.