Father, plead my cause – when life throws challenges our way, making us feel like we’re in a tough spot, it’s alright for believers to ask God to plead their cause. I believe it’s something we all can relate to – asking for help.
David asked God to be on his side when he was facing difficulties, which is a simple but heartfelt request for someone to stand up for us when things get tough.
Today, let’s explore what it means to turn to God when we need someone to advocate for us, for in moments of trouble, reaching out for help can make all the difference.
Key Takeaway to “Plead My Cause”:
- Plead My Cause: The recognition that we can bring our concerns, struggles, and pleas to God. He is not distant; He is our advocate in times of trouble.
Anchor Bible Verse of the Day – Psalm 35:1 (NKJV)
Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me; Fight against those who fight against me.
In Psalm 35:1, our anchor verse of the day, David earnestly implores God to advocate for him in the face of opposition.
This verse reflects a raw and sincere plea for divine intervention, acknowledging God’s role as the ultimate defender against adversaries.
Key Explanations:
- Plead my cause: Asking God to take up your case and defend against those who oppose you.
- Those who strive with me: Individuals engaged in conflict or opposition against you.
- Fight against those who fight against me: Seeking God’s active intervention, asking Him to contend against those who are your adversaries.
Reflection on “Plead My Cause”:
In simple terms, David is asking God to help him when others are causing him problems. It’s like turning to a friend in a tough situation.

(Psalm 35:1)
Now, let’s think about our lives:
Sometimes things get hard, people might not understand, or we might face challenges. In those times, it’s okay to ask God for help, just like David did.
It’s like saying, “God, be on my side, help me through this.”
A similar thought is echoed in Matthew 7:7, which says:
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Here, Jesus tells us it’s okay to ask God for things. When we need help or guidance, we can turn to Him.
So, as believers, living our lives by asking God to “plead our cause,” means recognizing that we don’t have to face everything alone.
It’s about turning to God, asking Him for help, and trusting that He’s on your side.
It’s a simple yet powerful cry – seek God’s support in tough times just like you would turn to a friend. It’s okay to ask, seek, and knock on God’s door when you need help.
Today, if you’re burdened, facing any spiritual battles, or hit by an infirmity, disease, or sickness, Jesus is saying in Matthew 11:28:
Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Your prayer should be the whole of Psalm 35 – God is ready to hear your cry of “Plead My Cause”
Call to Action:
Today, purposely bring your concerns before God. Just as David pleaded his cause, open your heart and share your struggles with Him. Trust that He is attentive and ready to fight for you. Release the weight of your burdens and find rest in His advocacy.
Prayer Points for Today:
- Bold Petition: Pray for the boldness to bring your concerns before God.
- Divine Defense: Ask God to defend you against any adversity or opposition you may be facing.
- Rest in God’s Advocacy: Pray for the ability to rest in the assurance that God is actively involved in pleading your cause.
Let’s Pray
Our Father, hear our earnest plea today as we bring our concerns before You. Be our advocate, fighting on our behalf against any opposition.
In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
My Prayer for You Today: I pray that as you plead your cause before God, His intervention brings you peace and assurance. May you find rest in His advocacy and trust in His unfailing support.