In today’s devotional, titled “Moved by Compassion,” we reflect on the compassion of Jesus, as shown in Matthew 14:14. In this verse, we see how Jesus’ heart is deeply moved by the suffering of the people, leading Him to heal the sick.

Compassion isn’t just a feeling for Jesus—it motivates action. Today, I just want to remind you that Jesus is moved by your needs and ready to act in your lives, for His compassion is powerful and ever-present, giving us hope and healing in times of hardship.

Key Takeaway to Moved by Compassion

  • Moved by Compassion: When we face struggles or sickness, we can trust that Jesus sees our needs and is moved to act with compassion, just as He did in the lives of the people He healed.

Anchor Bible Verse of the day

This verse shows the tender heart of Jesus toward those who are suffering. He did not ignore the crowds; instead, He felt their pain and was moved to help them. His compassion led to action—He healed the sick among them.

my understanding here is that Jesus’ compassion is not passive but a force that brings comfort and healing to those in need. Healing here refers to anything that is a thorn in our flesh.

This scripture reminds believers that Jesus is not distant but is closely involved in our lives, ready to meet us in our pain and provide help.

Key Explanations

  • Moved with compassion: Jesus felt deep sympathy and care for the people, which moved Him to take action.
  • Healed their sick: Jesus’ compassion led Him to physically heal those who were suffering from illness, showing His power to restore lives.

Reflection on Moved by Compassion

As we reflect on this passage, it’s important to recognize that Jesus’ compassion is not just for the people in the Bible; it is for us today as well.

Jesus is still moved by compassion when He sees our struggles. Whether we are facing sickness, emotional pain, or life’s difficulties, we can trust that He is ready to bring healing and relief.

We are reminded in Hebrews 4:15 that,

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Meaning, Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses because He has experienced human struggles. His compassion is rooted in understanding, and that is why He responds to our needs.

As believers, we must approach every challenge with the confidence that Jesus sees, that He cares, and that He will act.

Today, let’s allow this truth to shape our attitude. Instead of feeling alone in our pain, let’s remember that Jesus is near, full of compassion, and ready to bring healing into our lives.

As we go through our day, let’s also follow His example by showing compassion to others.

By being kind and caring, we can reflect Jesus’ heart to those around us, helping to heal their hurts just as He heals ours.

Call to Action

  • Today, be reminded that Jesus sees your struggles and is moved with compassion toward you. Trust in His power to heal and provide comfort as you face life’s challenges.

Prayer Point for Today

  • Pray for Divine Compassion: Ask God to help you feel His deep compassion in your struggles and to allow that same compassion to flow through you to others.

Let’s pray

Our Father, thank You for Your compassion that moves You to act in our lives. We trust You for healing and comfort in our times of need. Help us to show compassion to others as You show it to us.

In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

My prayer for you today: I pray that you feel the powerful compassion of Jesus today, bringing healing and peace into your life. May you also be moved to share His love with others.