Have you ever struggled with pride? It’s a sneaky thing, this pride, and that’s why you have to check your pride. It can creep into our lives in subtle ways, making us feel superior to others or puffing up our chests with our accomplishments.

But the Bible tells us that pride is a dangerous path to walk. So, today’s devotional is all about checking our pride and remembering the importance of humility.

Key Takeaway to Check Your Pride

  • Check Your Pride: Pride leads us away from God, but humility brings us closer to Him.

Anchor Bible Verse of the Day

This verse from James tells us that God opposes those who are prideful but shows favor to the humble.

Pride creates a barrier between us and God, while humility opens us up to His grace and blessings.

Key Explanations

  • Grace: God’s unmerited favor and blessing upon us.

Reflection on Check Your Pride

It’s easy to let pride take hold in our lives. Maybe we get a promotion at work or receive praise for our skills. Perhaps we compare ourselves to others and feel a sense of satisfaction because we believe we’re better in some way.

At times too, we become so prideful due to the family we come from, certain individuals we associate with, or an academic achievement we have attained.

The Bible is full of verses that warn against pride. Proverbs 11:2 (NKJV) says,

When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom.

Yes, pride can lead us down a path of arrogance and selfishness. It can make us resistant to correction and unwilling to learn.

Humility, on the other hand, is a beautiful quality. It allows us to acknowledge our limitations and weaknesses. It helps us to see the value in others and to appreciate the gifts they bring.

Most importantly, humility opens our hearts to God’s grace.

Just like in our relationships with other people, God appreciates honesty and humility. When we approach Him with humility, admitting our shortcomings and seeking His guidance, He opens His arms to us.

Note again that pride is subtle yet pervasive, affecting our thoughts, actions, and relationships. When we rely on ourselves instead of trusting God, we risk missing out on His abundant grace. Reflecting on James 4:6 reminds us that humility is the pathway to receiving God’s favor.

Jesus exemplified perfect humility, urging us to follow His example in all aspects of our lives

Let’s try to be humble always.


Call to Action

Take some time today to reflect on your own life. Are there areas where pride might be creeping in? Perhaps there’s a relationship that needs mending or a critical attitude you need to adjust. Ask God to reveal any areas of pride in your heart and give you the strength to let go of them.

Prayer Point for Today

  • Pray for the humility to recognize your faults and weaknesses and pray for a heart that is open to God’s grace and love.

Let’s pray

Our Father, help us to see the dangers of pride and the beauty of humility. Grant us the wisdom to recognize prideful thoughts and attitudes in our hearts. Forgive us for the times we have allowed pride to hinder our relationships and walk with You. Fill us with Your humility and open our hearts to Your grace.

In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

My prayer for you today: I pray that you will find the strength and courage to confront pride in your life and embrace the humility that brings you closer to God.