Life is short is a phrase that we often hear or say, especially when we face the reality of death, either our own or someone else’s. But what does it mean to say that life is short? And how should we live in light of this truth?
In this daily devotional, we will explore what the Bible says about the briefness of life and the implications for our faith and practice.
The focus today is to learn how to live with humility, gratitude, stewardship, and joy, and also discover how to make the most of every opportunity and use our gifts and talents for God’s glory.
Let’s get started and see how God can transform our perspectives and priorities in light of the shortness of life.
Key Takeaways to Life Is Short
- Life is short: Life is brief and uncertain, so we should live wisely and humbly before God.
Anchor Bible Verse of the day
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
James 4:14 (NKJV)
James 4:14 reminds us that our life is brief and uncertain. We do not have control over our future, and we cannot predict what will happen to us. Our life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears.
Therefore, we should not be arrogant or boastful about our plans or achievements, but we should acknowledge God’s sovereignty and will in everything we do. We should live in the light of eternity, knowing that God will judge us for how we spend our time on earth.
Key Explanations
- A vapor that appears for a little time: A metaphor highlighting the shortness of life, and its transient nature.
- Vanishes away: Life’s temporariness is further highlighted, urging us to grasp the significance of every passing moment.
Reflection on Life is Short
If you check the Bible, you’ll find out that it’s about living and dying – yes, life is short and we do not know what will happen tomorrow.
In Psalm 39:4-5 we read:
Lord, make me to know my end, And what is the measure of my days, That I may know how frail I am.

(James 4:14)
The above reminds us that our life on earth is temporary and uncertain. We cannot control or predict the future, and we cannot take anything with us when we die.
I want you to look around you, over the past year alone, the number of people you know who left the land of the living, without a goodbye.
How should we live then, knowing that life is short?
The Bible gives us some guidance on how to make the most of our time here. Here are some principles to consider:
- Live for God’s glory: Our main goal is to glorify God and enjoy Him always. We should honor Him in all our actions, words, and thoughts. We should avoid things that are not pleasing to Him or useful for His kingdom. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Do everything for God’s glory.”
- Live by faith: To please God, we need faith. Faith is believing in what we hope for and what we cannot see. We should trust God, not ourselves, and put Him first in everything. We should live by His promises (Hebrews 11:1).
- Live in love: The Bible teaches that we must love God and others as God loves us. God’s love is the source and standard of our love. Without God, we cannot love truly or fully. (1 John 4:7-8)
- Live with wisdom: We should seek God’s wisdom, which is pure and good, and avoid worldly foolishness and sin. We should follow God’s word in our lives and renew our minds. Proverbs 4:7 tells us to get wisdom and understanding.
Beloved, life is short, but it can be meaningful and fruitful if we live according to God’s will and plan for us.
We should not take life for granted but cherish every moment as a gift from God. We should not live for ourselves, but for Him who died for us and rose again.
Call to Action
Today, I challenge you to reflect on how you are living your life in the light of eternity. Are you living for God’s glory, by faith, in love, and with wisdom?
Are there any areas in your life that need to change or improve? What steps can you take today to make your life more pleasing to God?
Remember that life is short and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Make every day count for His kingdom.
Prayer Points for Today
- Thank God for the gift of life. We often take our lives for granted, but we should remember that every breath we take is a gift from God. Thank Him for His grace and mercy that sustain us every day.
- Ask God to teach you to number your days. Life is short and uncertain, but God knows the end from the beginning. Ask Him to help you live each day with purpose, wisdom, and gratitude, knowing that He has a plan for your life.
- Pray for the salvation of your loved ones. Don’t assume that you have all the time in the world to share the gospel with your family and friends. Pray that God would open their hearts to receive His love and forgiveness and that He would use them as a witness of His grace.
Let’s pray
Our Father, we thank You for the gift of life. You are the source of our being and the giver of every good thing. We pray for the salvation of our loved ones, that they may come to know You as their Lord and Savior. Use us as Your instruments of peace and love in this world.
In Jesus’ mighty and precious name, we pray, Amen.
My prayer for you today: I pray that you would cherish every moment of your life as a gift from God, walk in His will and His ways, and shine His light to those around you. Today onwards, experience the peace and joy of God.