Making sure that our children are safe and healthy, as well as nurturing them in a safe environment to grow in should be one of our top priorities as parents and caregivers.
Unfortunately, there are numerous dangers and threats in the modern world that could endanger the safety of our kids. As a result, we must be watchful and proactive in protecting children from harm.
See, Jesus emphasized the value of watching over and shielding children in Matthew 18:10, and this serves as the cornerstone of today’s devotional.
Join me as we look at concrete ways that we can use to safeguard our kids. let’s get started!
» Wednesday, 1st March 2023 | I Stand In The Gap Daily Devotional | Protecting Children from Harm.
Yesterday, we shared “Divine Provision for the Needs of Your Family”, and today’s is about “Protecting Children from Harm.”
Anchor verse of the day
Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 18:10 (NKJV)
In our anchor verse of the day, Jesus urges his followers to avoid having a low opinion of children or seeing them as inconsequential.
Children are precious in God’s eyes and deserving of protection, as evidenced by Jesus’ claim that their angels can always see God in heaven. The verse underlines how crucial it is to keep kids safe and to treat them with kindness and compassion.
Themes in Matthew 18:10 and protecting children from harm
- Protection of Children: The verse warns against hating children and emphasizes the need to take care of and safeguard them from harm.
- Angelic Protection: It is clear that there are angels assigned to look after children and that they are constantly on guard for them, keeping them safe from harm and peril.
- Heavenly Father’s Love: The verse also emphasizes how much the heavenly Father values children and how much He loves and cares for them.
- Spiritual Awareness: The text exhorts Christians to develop a heart for children as they advance in their faith and to be spiritually conscious of the value of children in God’s kingdom.
- Responsibility of Adults: It also serves as a reminder to adults of their duty to nurture and guide children in a loving and secure environment that is both physically and spiritually secure.
Background to Matthew 18:10 and protecting children from harm
From Matthew 18:1 to Matthew 18:35, Jesus is instructing his disciples about forgiveness, humility, and how to resolve disputes among themselves.
When the disciples question Jesus in Matthew 18:1-4 who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus responds by calling a little child to him and warning them (the disciples) that they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless they change into little children.
Then, in Matthew 18:5–9, Jesus issues a harsh warning concerning the repercussions of making children sin.
In this context in Matthew 18:10, Jesus underlines the significance of not treating children with contempt or as though they are unimportant, noting that they have guardian angels who are able to view the face of God in heaven at all times. This is powerful!
This verse serves as a reminder that kids are valuable in God’s eyes, and that they need to be protected and taken care of.
Similar Bible verses to Matthew 18:10 and protecting children from harm
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)
In order for kids to build a solid foundation and fend off harmful influences, this verse underlines how crucial it is to instruct and guide them in the proper direction.
We are to defend them from the harm that results from a life of sin and disobedience by raising them in the way of the Lord.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
Psalm 127:3-4 (NKJV)
This verse accentuates how children are a gift from God and how precious and wonderful they are. It is our duty as parents to safeguard our kids and bring them up in a way that glorifies God. We must acknowledge their vulnerability and the need for our care and direction.
We must be meticulous in shielding our kids from harm, just as a warrior is careful when aiming and firing an arrow to defend his realm. This harm could be to the body (physical), mind (emotional), or spirit (spiritual). We must rely on God’s provision and seek His direction and wisdom in everything we do as we work to safeguard these precious children.
How do we protect these children?

As Christians, one of our duties is to look out for the youngsters in our charge. Children must be fostered and led down the righteous road because they are vulnerable. Here are a few strategies we may use to keep our kids safe:
- Provide a secure environment: Make sure your house is a secure environment for your kids to reside in. Verify that any potential dangers, such as sharp objects or electrical devices, are stored out of the way and properly covered.
- Monitor their activities: Keep a watch on your kids’ online and offline behavior. You can spot any potential threats and avoid harm by doing this.
- Educate them about God’s Word: It is your duty as a parent to instruct your kids on God’s written Word. They will be better able to form a moral compass and make moral decisions going forward.
- Pray for them: Pray for God to keep your kids safe and secure. Pray for God to protect them and lead them in the right direction.
Keeping our kids safe is a duty we were given by God. Let’s work to keep them safe and lead them down the straight road.
Reflection on protecting children from harm
Today’s message serves as a reminder to believers of the IMMENSE duty to protect the defenseless and innocent children in our midst.
Children are God’s gifts, and as believers, we are obligated to treat them with love, compassion, and protection.
Jesus makes it plain in Matthew 18:10 that we should never look down on or ignore a child because they are precious in God’s eyes. We have a responsibility to keep children safe and make sure they get the support and care they need to mature and develop in a healthy way.
As Christians, we have a responsibility to protect children’s rights and safeguard their safety in all facets of life. This entails giving them a secure and caring home, shielding them from harm that could be physical, emotional, or spiritual, and pointing them in the direction of a connection with God.
It is both a privilege and a responsibility to live a life that safeguards and looks after children. It enables us to help mold the next generation and cultivate the love of God inside them.
Therefore let’s constantly keep in mind that it is our responsibility to safeguard children from harm and to do so in a loving, caring, and compassionate manner.
What to do if you see or sense a child being abused or left unprotected
- As a believer, you have a moral and legal duty to inform the appropriate authorities when you see an unprotected kid or a child being abused.
- If the child is in urgent danger, the believer should phone the police or the local child protective services organization.
- Remember that failing to report child abuse can lead to criminal prosecution. Protecting children is not only a moral but also a legal task.
- In addition to offering any assistance they can, the believer should pray for the child and their family.
Let us pray for children
Dear God,
We thank you for the gift of children as we come before you today. We offer prayers for the health, safety, and development of every child. We pray for your blessing upon them and for your protection from every harm and peril.
Lord, we beg you and ask that you keep them safe from the enemy’s plans and any abuse. Please send your Holy Spirit to lead and guard them wherever they go.
We ask that you grant every child the opportunity to grow up in a secure, caring, and nurturing environment. We ask that you grant parents and other adults the knowledge, forbearance, and fortitude to bring up their children in a way that honors you.
We also offer prayers for kids who are currently victims of abuse or neglect. Please act on their behalf, provide them with solace and healing, and find them homes where they will be loved and cared for.
Finally, we ask that you would raise up an army of believers who are passionate about protecting children and advocating for their rights. Help us to be your hands and feet in this world, serving the afflicted with love and compassion.
In the Holy name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we offer these prayers.
What are your thoughts? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.
Thank you!
Generally and truthfully, the content provides ways to love and work to ensure the safety of our wards.
Hi William, thank you very much for your contribution and your visit. Would be happy to hear from you again. Blessings!