In “Saved by Grace,” you’re invited to contemplate, albeit deeply, the profound significance of God’s grace in your life. 

Saved by Grace means that we don’t merit it but it’s been given to us on a silver platter. Through this, we receive so many goodies such as forgiveness, transformation, redemption, and a fresh start. 

What it also means is that I am not, and neither are you defined by your past shortcomings. But that is only true if you have wholeheartedly accepted Jesus as your savior. 

Today, the message is straightforward, we’re reminded of the immeasurable depths of God’s grace and encourage us to live each day with sincere gratitude, simply because we are indeed “Saved by Grace.”

The book of John puts it this way: 

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

John 3:17 (NKJV)

This was when Jesus was having a conversation with Nicodemus. In it, we get to understand God’s purpose in sending His Son, Jesus, into this sinful world, not to judge or condemn it, but to offer salvation and redemption to those who believe in Him. 

It’s simply a reflection of God’s grace through divine love, hence His desire for man’s reconciliation through faith in Jesus Christ, and back to Him.

Grace’s Journey: From Redemption to Renewal

A Poem based on today’s devotional

Saved by grace, a journey starts,
Salvation’s gift, from loving hearts.
His grace, unearned, bestowed on all,
Redemption’s call, as sinners fall.

Love divine, in sacrifice shown,
Purpose revealed, our sins atoned.
Transformation deep, in hearts it stirs,
Forgiveness flows, as faith occurs.

Unmerited favor, freely given,
In surrender, we are truly driven.
Sharing His grace, with all we meet,
Spreading His love, pure and sweet.

Gratitude swells, from depths within,
For God’s love, cleanses our sins.
Reconciliation’s embrace, we find,
Renewal of soul, in Him we bind.

Oh, the marvel of His saving grace,
Guiding us on this sacred chase.
In awe, we stand, with hearts ablaze,
Saved by His love, for all our days.

By Clement Brako Akomea

The central themes in John 3:17 are:

  • God’s purpose for sending His Son: There is a specific purpose why Jesus was sent into the world.  
  • Salvation through Jesus: That, faith in Jesus is the sure way to receive salvation and eternal life.
  • God’s love for the world: Despite humanity’s brokenness and sin, God sending His Son was rooted in pure and absolute love. 

Based on John 3″17, what’s the purpose of salvation? 

The purpose of salvation is twofold. 

  • It’s to offer deliverance and redemption to humanity, and
  • To bring about a transformative change in individuals and in the world. 

Reflection on “Saved by Grace” for the Believer Today

1/ Embracing God’s Purpose: we are to take a moment to reflect on the purpose behind our salvation. We know that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn us but to save us.

Man has been given the incredible opportunity to experience God’s pure love, forgiveness, and redemption. What is left is for us to embrace this purpose and live with gratitude for the salvation we have freely received.

2/ Rejoicing in God’s Unmerited Favor: we have to pause and consider the depth of God’s grace in our lives. We ought to reflect that our salvation is not earned or deserved, but that which is freely given. Let’s show gratitude to Him

3/ Living Transformed by Grace: We have to consider how God’s grace has transformed our lives and reflect on the areas where we have experienced His forgiveness, healing, and restoration. Recognize that your salvation is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing process of being conformed to the image of Christ.

4/ Extending Grace to Others: As we contemplate our own salvation, we have to reflect on how we can extend God’s grace to others. Just as we have been saved by grace, seek opportunities to demonstrate grace and love to those around us.

That is to say, we have to let forgiveness, kindness, and compassion flow from our lives, reflecting the grace we have received.

5/ Trusting in God’s Love: The believer has to anchor her faith in the love of God. Remember that His love for you is unfailing and unwavering. No matter your past mistakes or present struggles, God’s love remains constant. Trust in His love, knowing that He is faithful to complete the work He has begun in you. Walk confidently in the assurance of being “Saved by Grace.”

Prayer Points on “Saved by Grace”

  • Gratitude for God’s Saving Grace: Express heartfelt gratitude to God for His saving grace in your life. Thank Him for the unmerited favor and love that led Him to send His Son to save you.
  • Surrender to God’s Transforming Grace: Pray for a renewed surrender to God’s transforming grace in your daily walk. Ask for His grace to always shape and mold you into the person He desires you to be.
  • Sharing God’s Grace with Others: Ask Him to direct you to lift up those around you who are yet to experience God’s saving grace. Pray for opportunities to share the message of salvation and the love of Christ with them. Ask God to open their hearts to receive His grace and for you to be a vessel of His grace and love in their lives.

Let us pray

Our Father,

We thank You for the gift of salvation through Your grace. We are grateful that You sent Jesus not to condemn but to save us.

Today, we surrender to Your transforming grace, that shapes us into vessels of Your love.

Father, use us to share Your grace with others, so that they may also experience salvation. We rely on Your Word in Ephesians 2:8, recognizing that our salvation is a gift from You.

In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray.
