In today’s devotional titled “Vengeance is Mine,” we are reminded that the Lord is the ultimate judge, and it is His responsibility to bring justice, not ours. Trying to take vengeance ourselves only adds to our burden and keeps us from fully trusting God.

Life can sometimes hurt us in ways that make us feel like taking matters into our own hands. When someone wrongs us, our first reaction is often to seek revenge. But the Bible reminds us that vengeance belongs to God alone.

Key Takeaway to Vengeance is Mine

  • Vengeance is Mine: God has declared that vengeance is His alone. As believers, we must trust Him to deal with wrongs done to us and not take matters into our own hands.

Anchor Bible Verse of the Day

The verse means that God sees all injustice and will handle it in His time and way. As His children, we are called to release any desire for personal revenge, knowing that God will take care of it.

The second part of the verse warns that falling into God’s judgment is something serious. God’s justice is perfect, and He will bring judgment on all who continue in sin without repentance. This is why we leave vengeance to Him.

Key Explanations

  • Vengeance is Mine: God has declared that He alone has the right to seek justice and repay those who do wrong.
  • I will repay: This shows that God is not indifferent to injustice; He will deal with it in His time.
  • The Lord will judge His people: Even God’s people are subject to His judgment when they wrong others.

Reflection on It Is Mine to Avenge

In our daily lives, we will encounter situations where others hurt or wrong us. Whether it’s a betrayal, unfair treatment, or an intentional act of harm, the natural response is often to seek revenge.

Some of the gravest betrayals I have come across, where we’re tempted to revenge immediately are those between friends, spouses, siblings, business associates, etc.

But as Christians, we are called to a different standard.

Romans 12:19 tells us,

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.

Today, we’re reminded that vengeance belongs to God. We do not need to carry the weight of seeking revenge because God sees everything, and He will handle it in His perfect way.

Taking revenge is dangerous because it can lead us into further sin, holding onto anger and bitterness.

By trusting God with our hurt, we let Him be the righteous judge, freeing us to focus on healing and forgiveness.

It also keeps us from hardening our hearts toward others, which is a big part of living as followers of Christ.

Instead, God calls us to release our pain and anger to Him. He sees everything, and He will right every wrong in His perfect time. By letting go of the need for revenge, we allow God to heal us and bring peace to our hearts.

Today, if someone has wronged you, remember that God has the final say. He will repay what needs to be repaid, and His judgment is far greater than anything we could do.

Release your pain and your need for justice into God’s hands, and trust Him to make things right in His perfect time.


Call to Action

  • Release any desire for revenge today and trust God to handle every wrong done to you. Focus on forgiveness and let God be the righteous judge.

Prayer Point for Today

  • A Prayer to Trust God with Justice: Pray that God will help you trust Him fully to handle all injustice and that He will heal your heart from the pain caused by others.

Let’s Pray

Our Father, I come before You today asking for the strength to release any desire for revenge. Help me to trust that You see all things and that You will bring justice in Your perfect time. Guide me to walk in forgiveness and peace, knowing that vengeance belongs to You alone.

In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

My Prayer for You Today: I pray that you will trust God to handle all injustices in your life and find peace in knowing that He is the ultimate judge.